Friday, November 28, 2008

A Tail of the Turkey Thief

We spoil our cats Mickey and Bean.  I hate to admit it, but it's true.  So, in true fashion, we decided to share our Thanksgiving with the beasts.  We shredded up some turkey breast and shared in the festivities.

Well...apparently, that wasn't enough for Mick...

"You're holding out on me!"

"I smell more turkey"


"I think this might be a better angle."

"JACKPOT!  Thank God they haven't trimmed my claws like the keep promising!"

Needless to say, Mick won out on the thievery.  I valued my face more than getting the turkey back.  Now, if you will excuse me, it sounds like Mick is tearing up aluminum foil.  Apparently he likes left over dinner rolls...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

far from sleepy

You know you're tired when at 6:45 am you pass a homeless man sleeping in a sleeping bag on the ground...and you're jealous.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cabrini Blvd

Needed a break.  My head has been murky lately and I had to get out.  Strapped on my shoes...threw my camera over my shoulder...and headed north on Cabrini Blvd.  The views always surprise me...even after 10 years of living here.

--hudson river

--the jokes on them...

--hudson river

--george washington bridge

--continuing on cabrini

--fort tryon park: entrance to heather gardens.  i'm not lying.  that is what it's called

--seems like it might be spring...

--tall and stark

--reminds me of a spider web