Thursday, July 22, 2010

short trip

The trip to bitchiness is a short ride these days.

I have never been one for patience. I live in New York. I am fond of the New York Minute. I curse under my breath at tourists who are gawking upward when I am trying to get somewhere in my New York Minute.

But, now I am a new mother...a 3 month old mother. What pleases me most is that I have all the patience in the world for my daughter. But my patience supply is spread a little thin. I found myself yelling at my key chain today when it got tangled up in my headphones and I couldn't get into my apartment. I was standing outside my apartment yelling, "REALLY?!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?" By the time I got it untangled, I was pretty much in tears. I must have looked like a crazy woman.

I find myself snapping, usually at the husband, in less than a nano-second. I am irritated quickly by people on the street...smokers, gawkers, people who don't hold doors open for mothers struggling with strollers, cars and trucks that block crosswalks so mothers with babes can't easily cross the street WHEN THERE IS A WALK SIGN!!!" The list goes on and I think you get my drift.

Sleep deprivation. Bottom line. Even when I do sleep I seem to still have one ear cocked towards the nursery. I know many a mother have been here before, and many will follow. My story, emotions and bitchiness are not unique. When I walk down the street and I pass another mother with an infant, we smile at each if to say, "I feel ya sister. I know. You are not alone in this journey."

So, the next time you are out and about and you see a mom, please be kind. Open a door, give up a seat, smile at them. Who knows, they may have just had a nervous breakdown in the kitchen because they couldn't get the jar of peanut butter open. Not that I would know...

1 comment:

Debb said...

Cute post, Heather! :o)