Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Dog lovers, UNITE!

I am a huge dog lover. I have a lot of friends who say they are also dog lovers. But I ask you this...how can you be a true dog lover if you discriminate?!?

A dear friend of mine, let's call him Samson, had some discriminatory comments about the dog that appeared on my blog. "Get rid of that 'explicit' awful teeny tiny dog. Didn't you meet any nice Labs or Retrievers or Corgis on your walk? You know - real dogs?"

Now, I love Samson, but how can he call himself a dog lover if he can't love ALL dogs? Why doesn't a Yorkie or a Dachshund get the same street credit as a Bernese Mountain or a German Shepherd? Is a Bulldog better than a Pug? Where do you draw the line? Is it height? Is it weight? How about the color of fur?

My brother-in-law, let's call him Carl, has the same idea. If a dog needs to wear a sweater in the winter, then it's not, 'you know - a real dog'!

Another friend states that he loves dogs...unless you can punt them.

I believe that all dogs have hearts as big as the world...not matter how big or small they are. They will always love you and always be waiting with baited breath to hear your keys in the door no matter how much they weigh or how big their paws are.

So, God bless the mother who could love this face...

1 comment:

samholtzapple said...

"Samson" informs me that if it fits in a purse, it's not a dog. The rest of his comments are not printable on a family blog.