Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Clear and Present

It's truly amazing to be truly be in the moment with each walking step, with each breath.  It's also amazing how quickly I forget to be in the moment and worry about the endless chatter in my head.  

This morning on my way to work I saw a tiny little bird on the sidewalk.  This tiny creature was gathering twigs to build a nest.  When it had what it thought it could handle, which appeared to be too much, it fluttered it's little wings and took flight, straight up, like a helicopter.  As I watched this amazing feat, Little Bird flew up 6 stories to build it's nest underneath a window air-conditioner of an apartment building.  It met it's mate, made the drop, and flew back down to gather what he (or she) left behind.  Amazement and joy followed me to work today.

This evening, at 5 pm, I scooted out the office door so I could run to a dance class at Alvin Ailey.  I was nervous.  I haven't taken a dance class in about 3 years.  I haven't studied at Ailey.   I didn't know what to expect.  All I knew was that my nervous energy was propelling me forward towards class at a very rapid pace.   As I raced out of my building I looked up and the sky was changing rapidly.  A storm was brewing, and I was probably going to get caught.  The clouds went from grey to black in a menacing second!  And within a blink the skies opened up and Mother Nature was having the time of her life.  Everyone started running.  As I was cursing the rain...again...I caught out of the corner of my eye 2 children.  

Children love the rain...these two beauties were screaming and laughing and jumping in every puddle possible.  I was jealous.  I stopped, took a deep breath, checked my watch to see how much time I had.  Plenty!  I was amazed at how quickly I found little Heather.  I rolled my pants up...popped open my umbrella...and began my delightful wet journey.  It was delicious!  I had a blast.

This sweet horse had no choice but to wait it out.  His purple bucket full of food kept trying to float away.  

I love this sign.  Never have I seen such cute and polite "curb your dog" signs.

Today is one for the books.  

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