Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Crank Day

I couldn't decide what to wear today.  Things were too hot, too tight,  too uncomfortable.  After 4 outfits...finally, I make it out the door.  This is a tale tell sign of my mood.

It's freakin' hot and muggy right now.  As soon as I walk out the door into the swamp, my hair resembles an overgrown chia pet.

My 30 minute train ride was accompanied by a Snoop Dog wanna be.  For 30 minutes he rapped along with his ipod.  "...cause your moving too fast and your ass is too fat...know what I mean...I'm the shit...I'm the shit...my swag, my swag, my swag, my swag"  

I am almost homicidal by the time I get to 59th St.

Why do parents pierce their baby's ears?  

Cigarette smoke on a 90 degree day with 67% humidity.  Someone choke me.

Ordering a Portabella Mushroom and Spinach Quesadilla only to find out after you return to the office that they forgot the spinach.

People stepping on the back of my flip flops AND NOT APOLOGIZING!  

I'm seriously close to homicide.  

Clearly these are serious problems to have...

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