Sunday, March 1, 2009

Can You Hear Me Now???

I left the apartment today without my cell phone.  I didn't realize it until I got downtown.   "Crap!  How will I stay connected to my life!?!  I have to call Crista later to see if we are going to meet.  Jay wants me to call him before I come home.  Wait...I can use my work blackberry."  Nope...that is at home as well.  I truly am electronic-less.   A bit of panic set in...

"Ok, It's not a big deal" I said to myself.  "I can do this.  I can use a pay phone today.  Shit, I only have 1 quarter.  Is that even enough these days?  I haven't used a pay phone in years.  It's probably like $.50!  WHY DID I HAVE TO LEAVE MY CELL PHONE AT HOME!"

I had to keep giving myself a pep talk.  "Ok, I don't need to worry about it now.  I have errands to run.  Let's do those first and then worry about what to do later.  I can enjoy this day of being unreachable.  I'm free!"

I would like to say that I felt entirely free of my phone.  I wasn't.  I had this small pit in my stomach all afternoon.  Sad, right?!  

I made one phone call with my one quarter.  Pay phones are still $.25!  Amazing.  With the price of postage soaring up and the cost of using an ATM...I thought Alexander Graham Bell would jump on the band wagon.  

I called Jay.  The connection was fuzzy, but I felt better knowing that I had reached someone!  I wish I was exaggerating, but I am not.  The first thing he said to me was..."Where are you calling from."  My response was "A PAY PHONE! Can you believe it?!?!?"  I asked him to text Crista to give her a heads up.  At that point Ms. Recorded Operator came on to say, "Please deposit another quarter for 4 minutes."  

"Oh My GOD!"  my brain screamed.  I don't have any more.  I start yelling into the phone, "Jay, can you hear me???  Can you hear me???"  Ms. Recorded Operator is still demanding another quarter.  I hear Jay in the back ground saying, "I can hear you."  I tell him I love him and I will see him when I get home.   We lose connection.

How did I do this before?  In 1999 I did not have a cell phone.  How did I survive?  How did I meet people during the day?  How did I find people I lost in the store?  How did I make last minute plans to have tea with a friend when I found myself in their neighborhood?  HOW DID I KNOW WHAT TIME IT WAS?  It all perplexes me.  

Through out my travels today I had to ask people what time it was.  I was meeting some friends at 2:30 and wasn't wearing a watch.  Over a period of 3 hours I asked 5 people what time it was.  3 of those people looked at their cell phones to tell me the time.

I found myself twice waiting in line and went to reach for my cell phone to make "use" of the "free" time I had.  I truly am plugged in and tuned out.  I am out of touch with my self.  How did I become this person that needs internet on my cell phone?  When did I become the person that needs to text someone immediately?  Everywhere I walk I see people plugged in to their phones, their ipods, their pda's, their iphones.  That is me.  Very rarely do I ride the subway without listening to music AND reading at the same time.  Heaven forbid I just sit on the train listening and watching what is going on around me.  Heaven forbid I listen to my own thoughts...

So, the good news.  I survived without connection for 6 hours today.  I used a pay phone.  I talked to 5 strangers.  I used my friends phone to call Crista.  I listened to my own thoughts and it was all ok.  I'm sad to say it was uncomfortable, but for the first time in a long time, I was actually awake and aware every place I stood.  

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