Sunday, June 1, 2008

Ignorance is bliss?

New York City's Board of Health approved a measure that will require restaurants in the city with 15 or more locations nationally to display calorie count information next to menu items. The New York Post quotes Margo Wootan, nutrition policy director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest: "It's going to get a lot easier to make informed choices at New York City's chain restaurants this spring."

This sucks.  

I can no longer feign ignorance that my chocolate chunk cookie from Starbucks is no big deal.  It hits the charts at a "measly" 420 calories.  

NYC as of March 31st has begun to post the calories of items on their menu.  I have to makes a difference.  My choices have been altered.  I went into Chipotle on Saturday craving a steak burrito bowl.  mmmmm...beef.  My usual:  Steak, rice, black beans (my mouth is watering), tomato salsa, hot sauce, sour cream and guacamole.  All of that = deliciouso.  As I stood in line I saw that my burrito bowl, depending on what I get, could range from 250 calories to 850 calories.  850 calories?!?! Holy Crap!!!  I changed my order.  I dropped the sour cream and guac and half the rice.

One of their slogans is "Contains Only Real Food".  Yep...if you aren't careful, real fattening food! 

Today, I stopped at Starbucks with my dear friend Cristina.  We had been shopping at a flea market and desperately wanted something cool to drink and something sweet to eat.  We 'settled' for 2 double chocolate chip cookies.  (1 for each)  They are 2 bite cookies at 80 calories a pop.  I hate to admit that the tiny cookie was amazingly delicious.  I had it finished by the time I got out the door. As a sugar addict I was bummed that the experience was over but by the time I hit the next block I was happy that I hadn't consumed another 340 calories.  

In a way, I am grateful to know how much I am putting in my body.  Awareness is key.  I also know that when I actually commit and purchase my 420 calorie chocolate chunk cookie (and I WILL!) I will savor every last crumb...

I just won't commit as often.  

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