Saturday, July 17, 2010


I am the type of person who gets super motivated...and then does nothing.

I speak, at this moment, of fitness.

I like to see inspiring stories and feel the feeling of inspiration and think, "Wow...I want to feel good about myself. I want to feel that euphoric high after a work out. I want to be passionate about taking great care of myself...tomorrow" Well, as many a great procrastinator knows...tomorrow never comes.

I'm not sure where this comes from. I was always highly active as a kid and through my 20's. I was a competitive swimmer, cheerleader, dancer...and then couch potato. Currently, I love watching others work out and think, "I'm going to do something about this tomorrow." Turn on "The Biggest Loser" and you have revved my engines. As I sit on the couch, eating my icecream, I think, "I want to do a triathlon!"

Well, I have been reminded lately that time is precious and there are no guarantees in this life. I have a new baby...12 weeks old, to be exactly. I do wish to set a great example. I have always had a messed up view of my body, for zero reason. I don't want to pass that on to her. But my biggest motivation now is my uncle. Uncle Fred became a runner in his 30's. I have always known him to live, eat and breath running. He loves it. It is his therapy. It is is joy. It is his passion. He is my very own marathon man.

2 years ago he was diagnosed with ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease. He is unable to run any more. He still walks every day. He lives each day passionately and fully. He doesn't feel sorry for himself. This Vietnam Vet said to me, "I can't complain. I've had a very full life." In my eyes, spoken like a true hero.

So, this morning, after the 5:45 am feeding, I strapped on my running shoes and a token that reminds me of Uncle Fred, and hit the streets. It wasn't pretty...but who the hell cares. It was the first step and I didn't wait until tomorrow to do it.


Unknown said...

I know Heather... but you have to start. Once you get started it gets much easier to keep it going. You can do it!!


Heather said...


Thanks!! A solid week of running under my belt!