Monday, June 2, 2008

Creature from the Black Legume

Here is The Bean. It was brought to my attention that Mickey Mantle had made an appearance and Bean did not. Mickey is a showman. He loves the spotlight. Bean, not so much. There was much forcing to capture this shot of her. Lot of flying fur and meowing. Her real name is Josie. It's a long story of how she went from Josie to Bean. I blame the husband, the nickname fanatic. He can tell you the path on his own blog if he wishes.

I am still picking fur out of my mouth from trying to capture the money shot. eck

1 comment:

Daniel said...

What is The Creature From The Black Legume? Who Made That? Who Created That? What Is It? What is that whole Thing? Can Someone Please Answer Me? I'd Like To Know? Please Respond Here Or Email Me At, Please!