Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Bone China

Friday, November 28, 2008
A Tail of the Turkey Thief
Saturday, November 22, 2008
far from sleepy
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Cabrini Blvd
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Is the grass greener?

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Stop the Whining
Saturday, September 6, 2008
But, in the past 2 days I have had glimpses of gratitude. I have learned over the years that the best time to make a gratitude list is in times of despair. It doesn't take my pain or grief away but it does help ease it.
Here are my ABC's...
A - Advil
B - Beast (aka mickey)
C - Crista
D - Dragon Puff
E - Elastic waistbands
F - Farve #4
G - Guffawing at my husband
H - Higher Power
I - In-Laws
J - James Clifford Haddad
K - Karaoke
L - Love
M - McQuillan
N - Naps
O - Oak Trees that I can't get my arms around
P - Pancakes and Potatoes (MASHED) I have had both today.
Q - Queen of all the Beans (aka Josie)
R - Rain
S - Starbucks
T - Tenney
U - Uncle Fred, "Stiff upper lip."
V - Vacation to WA
W - Waterworks
X - Xylophone...yeah, I know it's weak...but cut me some slack!
Y - Yams - candied - preferably my mom's
Z - ZeeZee plant - I bought one today in honor of Puff
Monday, July 28, 2008
the joy of creating
Friday, July 11, 2008
I stole this blog from my husband
Fast forward to: Last night, I tied up said garbage and left it by the door to take out the following morning.
This female feline of many nicknames (her real name is Josie, after all) has deservedly earned another: Princess Drumstick, as so dubbed by my wife.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Crank Day
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I get to order supplies for a corporate company. Now, being the supply kleptomaniac that I am, this is a treat. Paging thru catalogues and surfing the employee site feeds every bit of shop-aholic inside of me. I get the power to decide what pens you use and if you get to write on college ruled paper or grade-school "I'm learning how to write the alphabet" ruled paper. I get to decided if I want to have plastic covered paperclips, which are very girlie, or the sterile metal clips, which come in two options...smooth or rippled for better gripping. I am prone to get the girlie ones just for spite. I get the executive decision of picking out staplers, tape dispensers, pens, pencils, scissors, letter openers, rulers, notebooks, highlighters...the list goes on. I also get to buy the organization tools to make the supply closet pristine. If only I had a corporate account at "The Container Store" the office supply closet would far surpass my closet at home. In fact, it already does surpass my home because the items I purchase are "free". There is no need to enter the $800.00 bill into my spreadsheet at home...or at least conveniently place the receipt on the pile of disorganized papers on my desk at home waiting to be entered into my spreadsheet.
There is always a small thrill placing that order...and excitement that rips thru my body knowing that very soon pastel colored post it's will be sitting on my desk waiting to be used.
The downside of my pristine supply closet are the rats that invade it. The rats that invade my work of art are the mature corporate geniuses that work for my corporate company. They are geniuses to me because they work in Technology. That is a word that doesn't sit will with me...Technology...it's all so matter of fact, such a science, such a garbly gook language, that only a mind resembling a vortex could operate within Technology.
These genius rats invade my closet with no respect for the art of organization, the art of the order, or the art of genius it takes to order just the right pen or just the right ergonomically fit stapler. They tear thru the plastic coverings on the post-it notes only to leave behind the garbage like a overused tissue. They empty boxes of pens only to leave the torn up boxes cluttering the shelves. I guess since rats don't have opposable thumbs they are unable to open the boxes that hold the pens like a considerate human. No, they need to shred the box into smaller pieces to grab the pen in their mouth and scurry out of the room before anyone shines a light on them.
Which brings me to another thing...where is the rats nest that holds all the supplies? Without a doubt I will proudly carry the shiny new supplies to the supply closet and put everything away with great care and thought, only to return 3 days later to find only crumbs and droppings left. Where have they gone? Where is the King Rat and why is he demanding that the closet be emptied as soon as it is full? How does he know that it is full? Damn him, and damn his followers...they love stealing everything and leaving a mess in their wake only to have this college graduate clean up their mess and start the process all over again.
I am convinced that this huge corporate company has rats. I base my conclusion on that no human being I know would ever make such a mess at such an upstanding company and expect another person to clean it up. Everyone here is respectable and kind and wouldn't scurry to a dark corner once a light hits their beady little eyes...
Monday, June 9, 2008
The A Train
Monday, June 2, 2008
Creature from the Black Legume

Sunday, June 1, 2008
Ignorance is bliss?
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I am a huge dog lover. I have a lot of friends who say they are also dog lovers. But I ask you this...how can you be a true dog lover if you discriminate?!?
A dear friend of mine, let's call him Samson, had some discriminatory comments about the dog that appeared on my blog. "Get rid of that 'explicit' awful teeny tiny dog. Didn't you meet any nice Labs or Retrievers or Corgis on your walk? You know - real dogs?"
Now, I love Samson, but how can he call himself a dog lover if he can't love ALL dogs? Why doesn't a Yorkie or a Dachshund get the same street credit as a Bernese Mountain or a German Shepherd? Is a Bulldog better than a Pug? Where do you draw the line? Is it height? Is it weight? How about the color of fur?
My brother-in-law, let's call him Carl, has the same idea. If a dog needs to wear a sweater in the winter, then it's not, 'you know - a real dog'!
Another friend states that he loves dogs...unless you can punt them.
I believe that all dogs have hearts as big as the world...not matter how big or small they are. They will always love you and always be waiting with baited breath to hear your keys in the door no matter how much they weigh or how big their paws are.

So, God bless the mother who could love this face...
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Toast and Jam
Reality was that it was nuclear. It burned our retinas. It caused headaches. The ceiling turned out to be a red-ish terracotta...the walls looked like an diseased salmon died, became bloated and then exploded. I cried for days. All that freakin' hard work WASTED. The room just pissed me off.
I shunned it for a year and a half.
After some time the scabs of defeat healed and the scars finally disappeared and we were finally ready to try again. (actually, it was out of sheer laziness of not doing it sooner) We decided to leave the ceiling as is. (again, out of sheer laziness) We chose to paint the walls in a warm brown, "Toasted Wheat". After 2 coats of primer and 2 coats of "toasted wheat" the room is as I always saw it. The nuclear glow seeping out the door is gone. Peace has re-entered into the apartment and I can escape. Maybe, just maybe, I will sit on my meditation pillows and check the outside rat race at the door...
...and tend to the rat race in my head.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Coffee Break
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Go Blue!
They all wore blue. Did anyone else notice that? So...the big question about Monday night's Championship game...who will wear predominately blue and who will where predominately white with blue accents?
My prediction:
Memphis will wear white.
Kansas will wear blue.
Oh...and Memphis will take the cake.
Sunday, March 30, 2008

I am awaking from the dead. The earth is warming, my senses are clearing and I have the fever. We all feel it.
I went for a walk today, on this brisk, crystal blue sky day, in the park close to my apartment. Everyone was out...moms, dads, couples, teens, babies, dogs, runners, squirrels, guys, bikers, women, picnic-ers, basketball players. There was 1 birthday party, for "Michael". Just follow the soccer themed signs to find the party.
I tend to like to tune the city noises out. I am never far from my ipod. It is another appendage. Thank goodness I left it at home. Missing the birds sing would have been a tragedy.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Rotten Eggs
Except oysters, the slimy bastards. I would rather vomit than eat oysters. In fact, I might throw up if I do eat one so let's just skip that whole experiment. The other thing I hate is egg yolks...also makes me throw up. When I was a kid my dad often made fried eggs. I would only eat the whites. Well, one day Pops got offended at my snub of the yolks and insisted I eat my yolks. I started bawling and screaming "I'll throw up, please don't make me!!!!!!!!" My dad wasn't going to let this one go and said, "Eat the damn yolks." (swearing added for effect) I do the dirty deed...sobbing like a drama queen...and then proceed to project bile all over the kitchen table.
Payback's a bitch.
I have a very active gag reflex. If I see someone tossing cookies the gaging starts and one needs to stay clear of a possible chain reaction. My 'loving' husband loves to test this out on me. His favorite trick is to dry heave in my presence just to watch me gag and heave involuntary in response. Ah, stupid human tricks. We are a great team at a slow party.
Well, I started out writing a completely different blog but all this talk of vomit has stolen all of my creative juices...so to speak.
Until next time...
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Balancing on Noodles
I have never been one who likes to exercise. As a child, between the age of 6 - 12, I was a huge swimmer. And I don't mean my size. I think I weighed all of 20 lbs wet. I was a maniac swimmer because my mother wanted her daughter to go to the Olympics. I had a 'backstage' mom of the swimming world.
What does a 8 year old do at swim practice when they are training to be an Olympic swimmer? Swim...swim, run, run stairs, lift weights...yes, you heard correct, lift weights. I can't remember what I bench pressed at 8, but I am sure I could have whipped your 8 year old ass. I digress...
I don't like to exercise. I didn't at 8...I don't now. But as a health conscious adult I know that it is best to keep a healthy heart by pumping some extra blood into it. It also keeps me from tripping on a flabby, saggy ass.
I haven't been in a long time...a very long time. I am the queen of excuses of why I can't go...I'm too tired, my stomach hurts, my knees ache, I just washed my hair...but, the Gods spared me of all excuses today and I went.
As bedtime is approaching I am wondering how I am going to step into the shower without a step ladder. I look forward to resting the weary body in my delicious bed. And as I wake tomorrow I will begin to think of every excuse that will take precedence over my presence at the gym.
Manicure anyone?
Sunday, March 16, 2008
I don't think I ever realized (back in '89) that it wasn't just about baseball.
Be willing.
...all things that are against my nature...